The Birth of Cranky Yoga

Thank you for checking out our website site! My name is Sandra Partridge, and I am the creator of Cranky Yoga.

The name “Cranky Yoga” is an oxymoron that challenges the common perception of yogis as always being blissfully happy and grounded. It was inspired by a moment of frustration while trying to make a video demonstrating a simple yoga flow to promote happiness to post on Instagram. After several comically failed attempts (I should have made a video of me trying to make the video), I found myself angrily muttering “I should just call it ‘Cranky Yoga’ instead of ‘Happy Yoga’!

This moment of exasperation became a powerful realization that yoga is not only about finding inner peace, but also about embracing and acknowledging the full range of human emotions. Cranky Yoga symbolizes the authenticity of our practice, reminding us that it’s okay to feel frustrated or cranky at times, and that yoga (and a sense of humor) can help us navigate through those emotions with grace and resilience.


Cranky Yoga is a place where positivity, movement, and the power of resilience come together. Our logo, featuring a skeleton in tree pose giving the middle finger, holds a deep and personal meaning.

In December 2019, my life took an unexpected turn when I was involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. The impact shattered both femurs, hence the broken legs on Cranky Skelly. Many other bones were broken; my left forearm, right foot and ankle, many ribs and had a mild concussion. It seemed like the only thing that wasn’t broken was my spirit! Little did I know that this would be the start of a journey towards healing and self discovery.

During the most challenging times of my recovery, I found solace and strength in the love and support of my family and friends. Their unwavering belief in me fueled my determination to overcome the obstacles ahead, and I was also determined to be a good role model for the many nieces and nephews in my life. I realized that I was not the only one suffering, and sometimes I think it was worse on my family than on me!

It wasn’t just the love and support from the army of loved ones in my life that helped me along my journey; it was the power of movement and the transformative effects that I learned from being a gymnast in my youth, the many years of working as a massage therapist, teaching fitness and yoga, and my passion for hiking. I was also fortunate to grow up in a house full of music and dancing, which is embedded in my soul and I can’t go a day without it.

As I navigated through the healing process, I discovered the profound impact these activities had on my physical and mental well-being. They became my therapy (especially during Covid!, my release, and my path to reclaiming my body and spirit. Understanding the connection between mind, body, spirit and movement became my guiding light.


Our goal is to help promote positivity and healing through movement, kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others. Cranky Yoga is a brand that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and promotes a positive attitude towards life’s challenges. Our logo, with its skeleton in tree pose giving the middle finger symbolizes defiance in the face of adversity, a rebellious spirit that refuses to be defeated.

Every t-shirt we sell carries the story of my journey, a story if triumph over adversity, and a reminder to embrace the support of loved ones. By wearing our t-shirts, you not only show your support for Cranky Yoga but also become part of a community that believes in the power of movement, positivity and to practice compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we can inspire others to find their own path to healing, embrace the joy of movement, and stand against the challenges that life throws our way.

Bust most of all, and above all else, BE KIND- because in the end, kindness is all that matters :)

With love and gratitude,

Sandra Partridge, “Cranky” creator

Family fun testing out the Tee’s in North Carolina! From left to right: Niece, Emma (wearing blue- she did most of the graphic designing); sister-friend Loretta; my actual sister Amanda; and me- Sandy Partridge, “Cranky” creator.

Another talented family member, niece-in-law Nicole Tuttle, who helped create the logo and first two designs (Tree Pose and Headstand
Under the Moon).

Most people associate skulls with death, but I read an article by tattoo artist Tiara Dennis ( that skull symbolism means STRUGGLE and STRENGTH. They signify that you need to work hard and build your personal empire because you have the chance to do so while you’re alive. You can exercise your own strength by having hope and starting your journey step by step. Shift your mindset and embrace the action! Learn every lesson from failures in life because change does not happen without fuck-ups. LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST BECAUSE TIME IS RUNNING OUT, SO GET UP AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Get in touch.

Is there anything we can help you with? Have another question? Email us
at or fill out the form. All inquiries are responded to
within 24-48 hours.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to KEEP MOVING FORWARD.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.